Kentucky Oil & Gas Association / Bituminous Insurance Company

Safety Group Dividend Plan

Vaughn, Geiger & Associates along with the Kentucky Oil & Gas Association and Bituminous Insurance Companies designed and set up the KOGA/Bituminous Safety Group Dividen Insurance Plan. This program was designed to allow Kentucky individuals and business in the oil and gas field a market for insurance with the possibility of a dividend based on the profitability of the group as a whole.

Vaughn, Geiger & Associates is an agent for Bituminous Insurance Company, which offers broad coverage including property, inland marine, general liabiilty, pollution liability,commercial auto & workers compensation. Bituminous has competitive rates, particularly for general liability & pollution liability coverage, with local claims service.

Bituminous offers customized programs for:

  • Oil or Gas Lease Operators
  • Oil Lease Contractors
  • Well Servicing Contractors / Pumpers
  • Drillers

If you are interested in what customized programs Bituminous can offer you and your company please give us a call today at (270) 389-1333 or email

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